****************************************************************** ***** ***** ***** aspWebCalendar Version 3.5 ***** ***** (c) 2003 Full Revolution, Inc. ***** ***** ***** ****************************************************************** Installation Instructions: I. USING ACCESS DB WITH DSN-LESS CONNECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Unzip the contents of the file you recieved from Emetrix, make sure you preserve the directory structure. 2.) Upload the all the files to an area on your website. 3.) Open a web browser and enter the URL to your CALENDAR.ASP file (EX.) Using the location from the above example it might look something like this: http://www.YOURSITE.com/calendar.asp 4.) Login to the calendar using the following information: User: admin Password: password II. USING SQL SERVER ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Unzip the contents of the file you recieved from Emetrix, make sure you preserve the directory structure and upload them to your website. 2.) Create a DB manually in SQLManager called "calendar3" also create a user to log into the DB with. 3.) Run the SQL Script provided (aspWebCalendar_3_0.sql)... NOTE: Make sure you run the script in the DB you have just created. 4.) In the db.inc and db2.inc files you need to modify the SQL Connection String to reflect the LOCATION, USER, PASSWORD of your DB. 5.) There are 4 .CSV files located in the "calendar" directory... these contain data that needs to be imported in the the appropriate tables in your SQL DB... Do this for each file using SQLManager. The files are all named (aspWebCalendar_3_0_NAMEOFTABLE.csv) This is a very important step as it imports the users, style, config, and groups make the calendar look and function the way it should. 6.) Open the db.inc and db2.inc files and change the config variable named: UseSQLServer to "YES" 7.) Open a web browser and enter the URL to your CALENDAR.ASP file (EX.) Using the location from the above example it might look something like this: http://www.YOURSITE.com/calendar.asp 8.) Login to the calendar using the following information: User: admin Password: password That's It... If you have any problems installing or configuring this script please send email to: contact@fullrevolution.com and we will address your issues within 12 hours.