HTML Editor Basic Help:
The HTML Editor WordPad works in almost exactly the same way as the WordPad program that is included with MS Windows.

To select or highlight text, place the cursor at the beginning of the section of text that you want, click and hold down the left mouse button, move the cursor to the end of the passage of text that you want to select. Then let go of the mouse button, DO NOT click anywhere else on the page, unless it is to perform an action, otherwise the text that you have selected will be un-selected.

Available Actions:
To perform an action simply highlight the text required and press the appropriate action icon.

Icon Function Shortcut Key
Creates a new file Ctrl+N
Save Current Document Ctrl+S
Cuts the selected text from the page to the clipboard. Ctrl+X
Copies the selected text from the page to the clipboard. Ctrl+C
Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the document where the cursor is currently positioned. Ctrl+V
  Undo: This is a keyboard-only command that will undo the last few actions. Ctrl+Z
  Redo: This is a keyboard-only command that will redo the last few actions that have been undone Ctrl+Y
Bullets: This creates a list. There is no shortcut for this.  
Numbered Bullet: This creates a numbered bullet. There is no shortcut for this.  
Indent: If you wanted to indent a paragraph or section of text, put the cursor somewhere in the text to be indented and click this button. There is no shortcut for this.  
Outdent: This does the reverse of the Indent Button. There is no shortcut for this.  
View HTML Switch between the WYSIWYG View and the HTML Source View  

HTML Editor provided courtesy of Public Domain LTD