Module - SQL Query

© 2001-2002 PensaWorks, inc., All Rights Reserved
5953 Commerce Rd
Milton, FL 32583


The SQL Query Module allows you to exceute any SQL SELECT statement against your database. The results of the recordset are displayed in a formatted table. Additional filters are available so you can choose which data you do or do not see. This module also includes a special script that will find all of the tables within your database, and let you view the different column names for your reference.



There are two methods you can use to install this module.

Method 1

A.) Upload all the module files to your mailinglist >> admin directory.
B.) Access the setup script by browsing to:

http://www.<yourdomain>.com/<mailinglist dir>/admin/module_sql_query_setup.asp

C.) Once the module has completed installing itself, a confirmation notice will be displayed with a link to login.


Method 2

A.) Upload all the module files to your mailinglist >> admin directory.
B.) Login to the Spd E-Letter Adminsitration section and go to the 'Modules' section of the program.
C.) Click on the 'Add Module' link at the top.
D.) Fill in the name of the module as 'SQL Recordset Query'. For the 'Location', type in 'module_sql_query.asp'. Once you have completed these fields, click the 'Add Module' button.



To use the SQL Recordset Module, simply access it from the 'View Modules' section of the Spd E-Letter. When the script loads, you will be prompted to enter in the SQL Statement you wish to execute and hit the 'Run Query' button. For security reasons, only SELECT statements are allowed. Onc eyou SQL Statement is executed, your results will be displayed in a table below. Use the 'Show Fields' boxes to filter your statement further and show only the fields you want to view.

If you are unsure what table or column names exist in your database, you can always click on the link below the SQL enter box. A popup window will be opened with further instructions. If you have the ADOX component installe don your website, then a list menu will display the available tables in your datebase. Otherwise you will be prompted to enter in the table name manually. Once you have selected the table you want to view, hit the 'View Columns' button for a list of all columns within that table. This popup is provided only as a reference.


Spd E-Letter v4.0
© 2001-2002, PensaWorks.