<% Response.Buffer = True %> [an error occurred while processing this directive] <% '****************************************** 'Config Code for Houseview***************** '****************************************** strtitle = "Houseviewonline.com" straddress = "http://www.houseviewonline.com" strlink = "black" strvisited = "#585858" strhover = "red" strkeywords = "" strdescription = "Panoramic home Viewing" strstaticimage = "static.jpg" stremail = "lori@houseviewonline.com" strdwstripelight = "#FFFFFF" strdwstripedark = "#EEEECC" strfontface = "Tahoma,Verdana,sans-serif" strbackgroundcolor = "#FFFFFF" strbackgroundimage = "" strpanotext = "360°/180°" strstilltext = "Stills" strcontrolpanel = "http://ftp.houseviewonline.com/controlpanel/controlpanel.asp?SID=1718984543&txtSiteID=8&txtUser=houseviewonline&bwuser=Houseviewonline.com&AU=20000000000&AB=300000&sessions=" & application("vSessions") & "&fw=houseview" strshowads = True '****************************************** 'End Configuration Code******************** '****************************************** %> <% StatLog 'Function to do Agency Specific Fonts------------------------------ function Getfontface(usegrouping) Getfontface = "Tahoma" Select Case usegrouping Case 9 Getfontface = "Realty Executives" End Select end function 'Function to do Agency Specific Fonts------------------------------ %> HouseViewOnline Online Real Estate for Southeast Missouri, including Cape Girardeau & Jackson MO
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<% Set MyTFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("/database/newlistings.txt"),1,-2) Count = 1 Do While MyTFile.AtEndOfStream <> TRUE sLine = Trim(Server.HTMLEncode(MyTFile.ReadLine)) sLine = Split(sLine, "|") if top10stripe = "#f5f5eb" then top10stripe = "#ffffff" else top10stripe = "#f5f5eb" end if %> <% If count = 3 then dailydeal = "MLS#" & sLine(0) & " - " & FormatCurrency(sLine(1),0,0) & "
" & sLine(3) & " - " & sLine(5) & " Bed, " & sLine(6) & " Bath
" & Chr(13) End if count = count + 1 Loop %>
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