Height and Width info is required for image banners by default for the following reason. If you are using the javascript method for displaying banners on your web site that info is required or it will not work correctly. So... if you are not using that method you can edit "save_banner.asp" and safely remove or remark out the following section of code. After doing that height and widths will no longer be required. ' **** This is the section you can remove or remark out if you don't want widths and heights required If IsNumeric(Banner_Width) = False Then ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You need to enter a valid Banner Width.\n\n") End If If IsNumeric(Banner_Height) = False Then ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You need to enter a valid Banner Height.\n\n") End If ' ***** This is the section you can remove or remark out if you don't want widths and heights required