There are 6 methods to display banners. Examples of each are provided. There are so many methods as an attempt to make this banner rotation system a compatible as possible with your web site. Here are my thoughts on each. ************** normal method: ************** very fast will work fine for most people that do not use option explicit with their code usually no conflicts with your existing code *********************** option explicit method: *********************** very fast will work for most people using option explicit with their code but may cause conflicts between your existing code and the aspbanner code, scripting versions..variable names. etc etc ****************** JavaScript method: ****************** very fast will work fine with your existing code but requires that your users have JavaScript enabled in their browsers (this is very compatible/simple JavaScript btw) this also has issues with rotating some JavaScript based banners such as linkexchange, doubleclick etc etc ***************** ASPTear Component: ***************** reasonably fast (this component is known to be extremely reliable even under incredibly high use) requires asptear component be installed on your server (fee or full version will work fine with your existing code ***************** AspHTTP Component: ***************** very fast (this component is known to be extremely reliable even under incredibly high use) probably one of the best solutions for a serious web site wanting the best in performance and compatibility requires AspHTTP component be installed on your server (fee or full version will work fine with your existing code ********************* Microsoft XML Parser: ********************* very fast probably one of the best solutions for a serious web site wanting the best in performance and compatibility will work fine with your existing code requires xml parser component be installed on your server which is part of the Microsoft XML core services ( Testing scripts for the 3 components above are provided in the "aspbanner/extras" folder. Allowing you to verify the are installed correctly on the web server